Friday 17 February 2012

Over confidence / Over trading

So I blew a few pips yesterday (16/2/11) due to over trading and a lack of discipline.  In the morning I had 5 trades, 4 that got stopped at break even and 1 (the last one) that I jumped out of early with 5 pips profit.  In hindsight I was lucky to get away with this, chances are that one of these trades should have gone against me and hit my full stop but the market was stuck in a tight range and I got away with it.  Fact is that after the first entry, which was a decent set up, I shouldn't have continued entering when the price kept on revisiting the original entry level.  Getting back in the first time would have been reasonable but not the 3 times afterwards (unless I was purposely scalping for the range, which I wasn't).  My final trade that I closed for +5 does raise some questions about is it OK to get out of a trade early or should you leave it to hit the b/e stop.

The afternoon started well, I went short at 70 and doubled up at 75 (both strong levels), the 70 trade got stopped for breakeven but the 80 level held and the 75 trade spiked down and hit my target at 65, +15pts in profit for the day, pretty sweet and looking at my account balance only 5 pips from doubling my original.  Now at this point I should have taken a look at where my mind was at, 7 trades with no losses in a fairly short space of time had filled me with false confidence and I thought I could make those final 5 pips, in fact I thought it was pretty much guaranteed at time, worst case scenario I would at least get a chance to put my stop to b/e.  As the price came back to 75 I jumped in short and got stopped out, same again when the price came back to 80, this time some news about the ECB and Greece caused the price to rise.  +15 pips to -5, alot of hard work wiped out.  This is not the first time that over confidence after a series of wins has go the better of me and is an area of my psychology that needs to be addressed.  Never again !

Now I just need to figure out how to spot this coming and take appropriate action...

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